God, human, relationships, and happiness

For starters let me address that I want to stretch your thoughts in this post.Let’s talk about relationships, God and human.

Even if I had all of God for myself I would not be totally happy or fulfilled. Sure ill have the life of eternity given to me, spiritual bliss, blessings beyond measure and a peace that transcends all understanding. Everyone would like that or would want to experience those things or would give a lot to get all that. I mean who wouldn’t? But as i mentioned earlier, even if i did have all that I would not be totally happy or fully happy.

Again, if I had the best relationship in the world, where i am fully fulfilled by someone of the opposite sex, relationally and physically I would not be happy as well. I don’t have good arguments for this, because I would clearly feel content and fulfilled having this kind of relationship. I doubt I wouldn’t feel fulfilled. But knowing relationships and having an awareness to the spiritual dimensions of life, in this case belief in God, I must say that the fullness of happiness in relationships even positive ones would not bring lasting happiness.

So what gives? If we have God, as most Christians would tell us, it’s all we will need in life. In a sense it is true but not something I would agree to now. I used to agree that I’ll be content having just God. But I must say that this is plainly rubbish kind of teaching. I think a better way of experiencing a happy and fulfilling life is having both a healthy dose of God induced relationship with the divine as well as healthy human relationships as well. Nothing will compensate having one of the other. Fulfillment comes with both. Not just having one.

Like Adam, having every form of spiritual blessing in life, in the garden of Eden; God and everything! But still it says in the bible that God said “It is not good for man to be alone.” Even in the most fulfilling and perfect state Adam needed a companion. Another person to attain to a level of fulfilment. But when Adam and Eve sinned and we separated from a perfect relationship with God, the earth turned ruckus and everything sort of went in the wrong turn. So here again we see that lasting fulfilment come with our relationship with the divine; God.

So for me, we cannot do without the other. Both are important. So stop being super spiritual and say that only God makes me happy and gives fulfillment. God would not agree to that, in fact I see him even rebuking this sort of attitude.